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Initial Registration Application

Create Your Account
Class of Registration
Members Data
if applicable.
Citizenship Status
Documentation verifying your citizenship status must accompany this application form.
Language Proficiency
If your first language and your language of RT instruction is not English, documentation of fluency is required.

Will you be able to provide professional services in (Check all that apply)

Respiratory Therapy Education
Other Education
Professional Registration and Conduct
Please complete the attached Registration/Licensure Data Verification Form to support your status or registration with a regulatory/licensing organization.
Not Applicable
Self Declarations
If your answer is YES to any of the following questions, you MUST provide full details in the text area provided.
Please note that beginning any Respiratory Therapy employment (in Nova Scotia), including clinical orientation, prior to being issued a licence to practice by the College is in contravention of the Respiratory Therapy Act and may impact on the approval of your application.
Primary Employer
Please provide details of your current Respiratory Therapy employment or volunteering positions.
Respiratory Therapy Employment History
Please provide details of your past Respiratory Therapy employment or volunteering positions.
Proposed Employment
Certified Area of Speciality
Supporting Documents

Upload documents

* indicates document is required
Payment of Fees

In order for your application to be processed you must submit all applicable fees.

  • Application fee: $75.00 The application fee is non-refundable
  • Registration fee: The College registration year runs from April 1 to the end of March. For applicants who have never been registered with the College, Active Practice registration fees are prorated at $54.00/month. Non-Practicing registration fees remain $75.00 throughout the year

Former members returning to the College are required to pay the full registration fee of $650.00 regardless of the month in which the application is made.

Upon submission, you will be asked to provide credit card information.

No payment is required when application is submitted. The Registrar will contact you regarding payment of fees

No payment is required for this submission.